Fuzzy Plaza Staff Application

Do you want to be come a moderator for Fuzzy Plaza? 

Well, you are in luck, as we are constantly looking for staff members!


• Must be level 20 or higher; 

• Required 16+ for maturity reasons; 

• Moderation experience is not needed, but preferable; 

• Little to no punishments given out; 

• Able to follow the server rules and Discord’s Guidelines + TOS.


Keep in mind that all staff members start as helpers. 

You cannot simply apply to become a “moderator” in an instant.

As you deal applications, dealing with minor issues, moderating content that is sent in the server, while also keeping the server peaceful and not downed with chaos.

Right now, let’s get started!

This will also show us that you know how to use Developer Mode.
You must be at least 16 years old to apply for staff.
Having 2fa enabled is a requirement! All staff must have 2fa enabled on their accounts to be able to perform moderation actions. Having 2fa enabled adds an extra layer of security to your accounts and lessens the chance of your account becoming compromised.