Server Rules
By joining and becoming a member of Fuzzy Plaza, you hereby automatically agree to Discord’s Terms of Service, it’s guidelines and Fuzzy Plaza’s server rules, including any changes made in the future.
The rules may change at any time (with or without any notice), it is your responsibility to check on them.
Anyone who has broken Discord’s TOS, guidelines and our server rules will be dealt with accordingly.
Not every rule will be listed, because the list will seemingly go on for a while.
Rule 1 | No NSFW content/media
We do not tolerate any NSFW/Questionable content and media within Fuzzy Plaza whatsoever.
Any NSFW content can and will result in a punishment.
This extends to games that have NSFW tags on them (ex. Amourous, Changed).
This also extends to movies/TV shows (ex. Helluva Boss, Hazbin Hotel).
There are certain exceptions for games/shows:
– All emotes and profile pictures MUST REMAIN SFW.
– You cannot use lewd face or suggestive poses.
– Words such as “latex” are not allowed to be used within the server.
Rule 2 | Topics and Media
All media must remain SFW and appropriate, as per Rule 1.
Any content that contains NSFW/Questionable content will be removed from the server and an
appropriate punishment will be issued (refer to the list what is not allowed below Rule 2).
Content that might contain flashing lights and/or loud sounds MUST HAVE A WARNING BEFORE YOU POST IT IN THE SERVER.
If an appropriate warning is not given, the content will be removed and a punishment will be issued.
Avoid discussing about any form of political events, war or religion (major or minor). You will be asked to switch topics to something else.
List to avoid posting/mentioning:
– No drug use.
– No racial tones.
– No blood and gore.
– No animal abuse/harm (zoophilia is strictly prohibited).
– No content misidentifying someone’s gender/sexuality.
– No lewd faces, suggestive poses and/or NSFW content.
– No content of usage of guns (ex. active fire. Video game guns are excluded).
Rule 3 | Advertising
We do not allow any form of advertising in Fuzzy Plaza with exceptions:
– All art advertisements should be in these channels: #commissions, #bases, #adopts, #ych, and #art-freebies.
– All YouTube/Twitch advertisements should be in #self-promotion ONLY. (You must be a verified content creator to post there.
– Discord servers are NOT ALLOWED TO BE ADVERTISED.
– Please contact a member of upper staff, if you want to partner/affiliate with Fuzzy Plaza, instead of breaking the rules.
Rule 4 | Art and Artists
All artworks that’s posted in Fuzzy Plaza must be SFW at all costs.
Ensure that your artwork does not include:
– Artwork that is traced from another art work
– Referenced artwork (without proper credit and permission from another artist)
– Copying another artists’ work
– Claiming someone else’s work as your own (strictly prohibited).
Artworks that is made by you should go in #art-showcase or #verified-artwork.
If you are using a base, please give appropriate credit to the original artist.
Every art piece you have (that you haven’t drawn), requires proper credit of the original artist, before you post it anywhere.
If you have concerns about your artwork being suggestive before you post it, inform the staff member via tickets and get their evaluation!
Do not post:
– NSFW commissions;
– Vent artworks;
– Hate/Harmful artworks;
– Blood and gore artworks;
– Drugs, alcohol usage and smoking artwork.
Rule 5 | Spamming
Be aware that posting messages with excessive characters (or very long messages) may get triggered by an Automod via Dyno.
Excessive use of emotes or spamming text continuously will result in a punishment (and purge) from the staff team.
Please be thoughtful before you post anything in the server.
Do not spam the following:
– Copypasta (walls of text);
– ASCII message art;
– Z̸a̴l̸g̵o̴ (zalgo) text and special fancy “𝓯𝓸𝓷𝓽𝓼 (fonts);”
– Multiples of the same messages in a short period of time;
– QR codes;
– Morse codes, binary codes, etc ( . . – . . – – . or 01000110 01010000)
Rule 6 | Harassment & Venting
Harassment of race, sexuality, gender or anything will not be tolerated and will result in a punishment depending on a severity.
We do not endorse venting/ranting in Fuzzy Plaza, however, please refer to #self-help for some kind of support we are able to provide.
We also ask that you do not bring down the mood of the chat by self-deprecating as this can not only ruin the mood of the chat, it can be harmful to your mental health. We want the chat to remain a positive place for both you and others. If self-deprecating behaviour is seen, we will be forced to issue a punishment.
If you do require to vent/rant, please keep it within DMs with someone you can absolutely trust.
Staff members are not trained to assist and provide support towards the community.
Rule 7 | Shitposting
While Fuzzy Plaza’s staff team is lenient with shitposts, we will advise to keep it tame and logical.
SFW only, if you really must shitpost, keep it in #chaos-chat or #memes, but stay within the rules and in bounds of SFW.
Rule 8 | Furry speech and cute calling
Please keep the furry speech to the minimum in the server, as it can be seen as immature.
We’ll ask you to stop, if it becomes too frequent. If it happens again, we will take action against you.
(Example: “the fuwwy speech alwows mwe to expwess mwoe thwen nowmal spweech woulwd UwU”)
We forbid any form of cute calling within the server, as it can make the members feel uncomfortable, as we understood that every person is not the same and some people feel uncomfortable when being called cute.
Rule 9 | Backseat moderation (mini-modding)
Do not backseat moderation at all costs.
This only makes the staff team work harder, if your intention is mini-moderation and it can result in a punishment, even if you are trying to be a good person.
To avoid any further backseat moderation, we will advise you to open a ticket in #open-a-ticket, or become a staff member in Fuzzy Plaza.
Rule 10 | Punishments
All punishments should be handed out accordingly and in order:
– First (verbal) warning;
– Second (bot, via Dyno) warning;
– 6h mute;
– 12h mute;
– 24h mute and final warning;
– Ban from the server with a chance of appealing.
For appealing, please fill out the ban appeal form that is located at
Depending on severity of a broken rule, some punishments may be skipped to give out more harsher punishments. For example, racism or transphobia will be an immediate ban, without any given warning.
Leaving the server with an active mute will result in an immediate ban, as it can be seen as punishment evasion. This also includes to using alternative accounts.
Your punishments become void after 6 months prior you being warned.
(ex. Warned on January 24th, your punishment will become void on July 24th)
Rule 11 | Alternative accounts (alts)
Fuzzy Plaza does not endorse the use of alternative accounts.
However, you may invite your alternative accounts ONLY IF:
– You disclose it to the staff members (via ticket system in #open-a-ticket) that you will invite an alternative account.
– You must also provide the username (not display name) to the staff members to keep track of which alternative account you may own.
– You do not have an outstanding punishment history.
These are all requirements to invite an alternative account to the server. There will be no exceptions.
All of your punishments will be synced with your alternative/main account.
Rule 12 | No AI generated content
We heavily disallow any form of AI generated content being posted in here, this includes artwork, music, writing, coding, so on.
AIs have multiple flaws when it comes to generating content and all form of content must come from real individuals who work hard.
Even if you’ve used AI to assist/edit your artwork, this is still prohibited in our server.
If we think that you have used AI to assist, you may be punished or questioned by the staff.
Rule 13 | Discord’s TOS and Guidelines
This (and every) server has to follow Discord’s terms of service and guidelines, no matter what.
You (as a server member, who is aged 13 years or older) agreed to Discord’s TOS and Guidelines when you made your Discord account.
For TOS and guidelines, find them at the end of the rules.
If you violate Discord TOS/Guideline in any way within Fuzzy Plaza, your account will be banned from the server and you will not be able to appeal your ban.
Rule 14 | Common Sense
Common sense plays a MAJOR factor when you are in Fuzzy Plaza, think twice what you are about to say before you hit ENTER/Send!
(Common sense as in keep things appropriate, think before what you say, keep it English, remain mature.)
Closing remarks from the staff team
– Staff members ALWAYS have a final say in all moderation actions.
– Do not attempt to block or ignore staff members, as you may be reached out when in doubt of additional context or evidence.
– Do not find any loopholes within the server rules. Doing so will result in a punishment.
– Do not attempt to insult or harass staff members. This will only prolong your punishment.
Discord’s TOS:
Discord’s Guidelines:
Thank you for taking your time to read the rules!